Thursday, July 24, 2014

The translation of Ramadan Tasbeeh

Daily Ramadan Tasbeeh:

Allhumma inna haadha shahru Ramadan al-ladhee unzila feehil Qurana hudan linnaasi wa bayyinaatin minal hudaa wal furqaan
O Allah this is the month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran as a guidance to people with clear signs and arguments.

Allahumma baarik lanaa fee shahri Ramadan wa 'a-inna 'alayhi wa taqabbalhu minnaa
O Allah increase Your blessings upon us during this month, help us to observe its requirements and accept our prayers and supplications.

Innaka 'alaa kulle shayin qadeer
Indeed You have power over everything

Laa ilaaha illallaah. Astaghfirullaah. Allahumma innee asalokal jannata wa 'aoodhu beka minan-naar
There is no God other than Allah. I seek forgiveness from Allah. I ask You O Allah to include me among those deserving paradise and to deliver me from the fire (of hell).


  1. Jazakallah, I want to share Islamic App. Quran App offers you the complete Arabic Quran in the elegant font on a mobile device. It includes Urdu and English translation which beautifies your life with the blessing of reading, listening to, and understanding the Quran on the go.
