Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ashura Poem

The Day the Skies Wept Blood
  The tenth dawn of Islam's new year, Seventy-two of the  bravest who had nothing to fear, 
  Came out to battle for our pride,
  Knowing that the journey to Heaven would be their very  next ride.
  On the blistering sands, under the scorching sun,
  Stood the mighty Hussein, a soldier second to none,
  With the fragrance of musk, it had to be said,
  The skies of Karbala were already turning red.
  Every ally wanted the honor of being first,
  To drink the honey of paradise and quench their
  As each one's body fell on the sand and mud, 
  It was Ashura, the day the skies wept blood.
  A marriage in the tent during this grieving hour,
  Abdullah knew that the time was not far,
  In the attire of a groom, He set out to fight,
  Realizing the loss, Sakina cried throughout that
  Abbas did not even drink a sip from the river,
  But was hit by arrows from the trees' rear,
  Hussein's final support ascended to the heavens,
  It was now only Hussein and those inhumane devils.
  But, Ali Akbar, the very valiant youngster the world
  has seen,   Was hit in the heart during the pinnacle of His teens,
 The face of the Prophet (SA) with blood was smeared,
  Hussein's tears completely drenched His beard.
  Asgar, the courageous six month old prince,
  Fought for Islam's pride without hesitance, 
  Until that heartless satan let his arrow fly,
  Young Ali Asgar's blood was taken by the sky.
   Hussein ibn Ali, the Noble Son, and The Greatest
  Martyr,   Stood ready to fight with absolutely no fear,
  Until a teary eyed Jibrael descended from the Heavens,
  Allah's wish is Your sacrifice Oh Highborn Eminence.
  Hussein happily welcomed Allah's Missive,
  Bowed down to Sajdah for the future billions,
  Zainab, cried aloud at the sight of Her mind's eye, 
  Upon witnessing Her imperial brother peacefully die.
Princess Sakina with Her cheeks so blue,
  From all the slapping that mad man put Her through,
  Those hellion's horses were allowed to run,
  And on the Holy Bodies, further damage was done. 
  Tears roll down my cheeks as I pen these verses,
  Remembering the pain of Hussein and His masses,
  But if it wasn't for Hussein we wouldn't be where
  we are,   We wouldn't be Mumins.
Source : Author is not known. One of my friend emailed me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

After Namaz Dua Translation


- Subhaana rabbeka rabbil izzate ammaa yasefoon, wa salaanunalal mursaleen, wal hamdo lillaahe rabbil aalameen, watabaa rakallaaho ahsanulkhaaleqeen, wa laa hawla wa laa quvwata illaa billaahilaliyil azeem. Rabbanaa taqabbal minnaa salaatanaa wa. duaa-anaa yaa rebbanaayaa mawlaanaa innaka antas samiul aleem. Wa laa tadhrib behimaa wujoohanaa yaa ilaahal aalameen, wa yaa khairan naasereen berahmateka yaa arhama raahemeen. Allaa humma salle alaa Muhammadin wa alaa a ale Muhamaadin wa baarik wa sallim. 

- Peace and kindness and blessings of Allah be upon you. 0 Muhammad glory to your Lord, the Almighty whose attributes are un describable. Our salutations to all the apostles and all praises to Allah, the Sustainer of all the Universes and the most exquisite Creator. There is no power except that of Allah, the Mighty, the Great. 0 Lord accept our prayers and our supplications because Thou hearest us and knowest us. Do not reject our prayers 0 Sustainer of the Universes and do not deny us help 0 the Greatest of Helpers. We seek Thy blessings because Thou art most Merciful.


- Alla humma salli alaa Muhaaadin wa alaa ale Mohamadin wa barek wasallim. Allaa humma innee ataqar-rabo ilaika beka wa be mavlaanaa Muhammadinil Mustafaa nabiyyika wa be mavlaanaa Aliyinil Murtazaa asaasil imaamate wa wasiyyihee wa waliyyika wa be mavlaatenaa Faatemataz Zahraa-e binte Nabiyyika wa mavlaanal Hasane wa mavlaanal Huseinel lmaamaine sibtay nabiyyika wa mavlaanaa Aliyibnil Husein Zainil Aabedeen, wa mavlaanaa Muhammad ibne Aliyinil Baaqire Uloomad-deen wa mavlaanaa Jaafar ibne Muhamaadinis Saadiqil Ameen wa mavlaanaa Ismaa-eel ibne Jaafarin sulaalatil ghurril mayaameen wa mavlaana Muhammad ibne Ismaa-eel saabe-il mutimeen wa bil aimmatit taahereen as-salaasatil mastooreen umaraa-il mumeneen mavlaanaa Abdillaah ibne Muhamaad wa mavlaana Ahmad ibne Abdillaah wa mavlaanaa al Husein ibne Ahmad wa bil qa-emeena min naslehim val.munsalleena min aakaabihim arbaabiz zuhoor wa arbaaid duhoor wal ulamaa-e-be khafiyaatil umoor mavlaanaa Abdillaahil imaamil Mahdiye beka wa mavlaana Muhammadinil Qaa-eme be amreka wa mavlaanaa Isma-eelal Mansoor be nasreka wa mavlaanaa Maddenil Moizze le deeneka wa mavlaanaa Nizaarinil Azize beka wa mavlaanal Huseinil Haakime be amreka wa mavlaanaa Aliyiniz Zahire le ezaaze deeneka wa mavlaanaa Maadinil Mustansire beka wa mavlaana Ahmadal Musta-ali be sultaane kalemaateka wa mavlaanal Mansoore abi aliyinil Aamire be ahkaamika wa be maadinil fakhre wal fazle mavlaanaa Imaamit Tayyebe abil Qaasime ameeril mumeneen. salawaatoka alaihe wa. alaa ahle baitihit taahereen wa abnaa-ehil akrameenal muntazereen ilaa yawmid-deen. Allaa humma innee ataqarrabo ilaika behim wa atawaa lahum wa abrao ilaika min aadaa-ehizm. Allaa hummahshurnee ma-ahum wa sabbitnee alaa taa-atehim wajalnee behim indaka wajeehan. wa sa-eedan fid-dunya wal aakherete wa minal muqarrabeen. Ash-hedo Allaa humma be haqaa-eqil ikhlaas wa sidqil yaqeen annahum khulafaa-oka fee ardheka wa hujajoka alaa khalqika wal wasaa-elo ilaika wa, abwaabo rahmatika salawaatoka alaihim ajma-een.


Alla-ho Akbar 33 times
Al-humdolillah 33 times
Subhanallah 33 times
La ilaha Illalah once
Aayatul Kursi once


- Allaa hummagh firlee ma qaddamto wa maa akkharto wa ma asrarto wa maa aalanto wa maa anta aalamo behee minnee, antal muqaddemo wa antal muakh-khero laa ilaaha illaa anta, alaika tawakkalto wa ilaika uneeb. Allaa humma innee as-aloka min kulle khairin ahaata behi ilmoka wa aoozo beka min kulle sharrin ahaata behi ilmoka. Allaa humma innee as-alokal aafiyata fee umoree kullehaa wa asta-eezo beka min khizyid duniya wa min azaabil aakherate. Innaka alaa kulle shayin qadeer.

- O Allah forgive my sins and omissions, past and present, hidden 'or apparent, since Thou knowest everything better than I do. I believe that there is no God but Thee. I depend upon Thee and turn towards Thee. 0 Allah I seek from Thee all the good that Thou knowest of and under Thy protection seek to be kept away from all evils that Thou knowest of. 0 Allah bestow upon me peace and success in all my affairs. I seek refuge before Thee from disgrace in this world and from the punishment in the hereafter. Indeed Thou hast power to do everything.


- Bismilla hir Rahmaa nir Raheem
Bismillaa hillazi laa ilaaha illaa huwa aalemul ghaibe wash shahaadate huwar rahmaanur raheen. Allaa humma azhib annil hamma wal hazana wal fitana kullahaa maa zahara minhaa. wa batana.

- In the name of Allah other than whom there is 
no God. He knows what is hidden and what is apparent. He is the most Beneficent and merciful.. 0 Allah remove from us all our sorrows and griefs and save us from all the evils surrounding us whether apparent or hidden.

The text here describes the Dawoodi Bohra Namaz and its translation in English. It is good for people who have not learned Arabic.

Source : FB message on Dawoodi Bohra group from  Moiz Shaikh Aliasger Sultan

Namaz Niyat and Dua translation

Usallee fardha salaatiz Zohre arbaa rakaatin lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil haraame Allaa-ho Akbar.-

Usallee fardha salaatil Asre arbaa rakaatin lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil harame Allaa-ho Akbar.

Usallee fardha salaatil maghribe salaasa rakaatin
lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil harame Allaa-ho Akbar.

Usallee fardha salaatil Isha-il aakherate arbaa rakaatin lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil haraarn Allaa-ho Akbar.

Usallee fardha salaatil Fajre rakaataine lillaahee azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil haraame Allaa-ho Akbar.

(Note: In case of woman -mustaqbilatal).


- Wajjahto wajhiya lillazee fataras samaavaate wal ardhahaneefan musleman wa maa ana minal mushrekeen. Inna salaatee wa nosokee wa mahyaaya wa mamatee lillaahe rabbil alameen. Laa sharika lahu wa be zaalika umirto wa ana minal muslemeen alaa millate Ibhraaheema wa deene Muhammadin wa valaayate Aliyan wa abrao ilaihe min aadaa-ehiz zaalemeen. Aoozo billahe minash-shaitaanir rajeem.

- I have diverted my attention toward: Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth. I am standing before Allah as a true muslim and am not one of those who associate some one with Allah. Indeed my prayers, my sacrifices, my life and my death are all dedicated to Allah Who is the Sustainer of all the universes and Who has no partner. I have been ordered to pray and I am proud to be one of these muslims who believe in the millat of Abhrahim, and the teachings of Muhammad and are stead¬fast in the love of Ali and keep away from~ the enemies of Ali and who are tyrants. I Seek refuge before Allah from the devil who is the most wicked.

Bismilla Hir Rahmaanir Raheem.

- Al hamdo lillaahe rabbil aa1ameen.. Ar-rahmaanir raheem. Maalike yavmiddeen. lyyaaka naa.budo wa-iyyaa ka nas-taien. Ehdenas siraatal mustaqeem. Siraa.tal lazina an.-amta alayhim ghairil maghdoobe alayhim walad-dhwalleen..

- In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praises are due to Allah, the Sustainer of all the universes, the Beneficent, the Merciful, Lord of the day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we seek for help. Guide us on the right path, the path of those on whom Thou hast showered Thy choicest blessings, not the path of those who have earned Thy anger nor the path of those who have gone astray.

[ To Be Followed By a Small ]

- Surah of the Quran then go for Ruku in Half Bend Position
Subhaana rabbiyal azeem wa be hamdehee (3-Times).
Same-allaaho le man/ hameda, rabbanaa lakal hamd, Allaa-ho Akbar

- Most Magnificent and Great Is my Lord Whom I am praising. Surely Allah hears the one who praises Him. 0 our Lord all praises are due to Thee.

[ Go for SUJUD in prostration position ]

- Subhaana rabbiyal aalaa wa taa’ala (3-times)

- Most Magnificent is my Sustainer and Exalted.

[ Sitting Between Two Sajdah ]

- Allaa hummagh firlee warhamnee).waj-burnee 
war.-faanee (once)

- O Allah forgive me, take pity on me, help me and give me prosperity.

[ While Rising for Next Rakat ]

- Allaa humma innee be hawleka wa quwwateka aqoomo wa aqudo (once).

- 0 Allah indeed with Thy help and with the power bestowed by Thee do I stand up and sit down.


- Bismallaahe wa billaahe wal
hamdo lillaahe wal asmaa-ul husnaa kullohaa lillaahe. Asb-hado an laa ilaaha
illallaaho wahdahu laa sharika lahu wa ash-hado ana.a Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasooluhu. Allaa humma salle alaa Mohammdin nabeeyika wa taqabbal shafaa-atahu fee ummatehi wa salle alaihe wa alaa ahle baitehit taaherin

- In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful. This prayer is for Allah and in. the name of Allah who alone deserves all the good attributes and praises. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, alone without a partner and that Mohammad is His servant and messenger. O Allah send Thy blessings upon Muhammad, the prophet and accept his intercession for his people and send blessings upon his descendents who are pure.


Bismilla Hir Rahmaanir Raheem 

- At tahiyyaa-tut tayyebaato was, salawaa-tut taaheraa-tuz Zakiyaatun naa-emaatus saabeghaatul ghaadiaa-tur raa-ehaato lillaahe. Maa taaba va khalosa wa tahora wa nama wa safa wa zaka lillaahe wa maa khabosa fa le ghairil-laahe. Ash-hado an laa ilaaha illallaaho wahdahu laa sharika lahu wc. ash-hado anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasooluhu arsalahu bil huda wa deen-il haqqebasheeran wa nazeeraa bayna yadayis saate Ash-hado annallaaha ne amar rabbo wa ash-hado anna Muhammadan ne-amar Rasoolo wa ash-hado anna Aliyan ne-amal valiyo wa annal jannata haqqun, wan naara haqqun, wal mawta haqqun, wal baasa haqqun, wal meeezaana haqqun was siraata haqqun wa annas saata aatiyatun laa raiba feehaa wa annallaaha yabaso man fil quboor. Allaa humma salle alaa Muhammadin wa alla aale Muhammadin kamaa sallaita wa sallamta wa baarakta wa rahimta wa tarahhamta alaa Ibhraheema wa alaa aale Ibhraaheema fil aalameena. Innaka Hamidun majeed. As-salaamo alaika ayyuhan nabiyyo wa rahmatullaahe wa barakaatuh. As-salaaoo alaynaa wa alaa. ibaadil laahis saaleheene. Allaa hummagh firlee wa le waaledayya warham humaa kamaa rabbayaanee sagheeraa. 
As salamo alaikum wa rah-matullaalhe wa barakaatuh. As-salaamo alaikum wa rahmatullaahe wa barakaatuh.

- In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, All praises, and good attributes are for Allah only. Whatever is good, clean, pure arid virtuous is attributable to Allah and whatever is unclean, wicked and evil is attributable to other than Allah. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah Who has no partner and Who is the only One. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger whoa he has sent with guidance and true religion giving good tidings to the believers and warning the unbelievers of their fate on the day of reckoning. I bear witness that Allah is a wonderful Lord giving us sustenance, that Muhammad is a wonderful messenger and Ali is a wonderful saint and that paradise, hell, death, resurrection, the scale of justice and the straight paths are all realities, that the day of reckoning will undoubtedly come and that Allah will raise the dead from their graves. 0 Allah send blessing upon Muhammad and his progeny just as Thou didst upon Ibhraaheem and his progeny. Indeed Thou art kind and praiseworthy. Peace be upon you 0 prophet and the blessings of Allah upon you. Also peace be upon us and the virtuous subjects of Allah. 0 Allah forgive, me and my parents and treat them with the same kindness as they showed to me when they brought me up from my

The text here describes the Dawoodi Bohra Namaz and its translation in English. It is good for people who have not learned Arabic.

Source : FB message on Dawoodi Bohra group from  Moiz Shaikh Aliasger Sultan

Azan Translation


- Wa qulil hamdo lillaahil lazi lam yattakhiz waladan wa lam yakun lahoo shareekun fil mulke wa lam yakun lahoo waliyyun. minaz zulle wa kabbirho takbeerah.

- And. say praise be to Allah Who has not taken unto Him a son nor has He a partner in His Kingdom nor does He need a helper. Always remember Him with the words "Allaho Akbar".


- Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. 
Ash hado an la ilaha illalah. Ash hado an la ilaha illalah 
Ash hado anna Muhammadan rasoolullah Ash hado anna Muhammadan rasoolullah 
Ash hado anna Moulana Aliyaun waliyullah Ash hado anna Moulana Aliyavn waliyallah 
Hayya alas salaht, hayya alas salaht 
hayya alal falah, hayya alal falah 
hayya ala khairil amal, hayya ala khairil amal. 
Muhammdun wa Aliyun khairul bashar wa itratohuma khairul itar.
Muhanmadun wa Aliyun khairul bashar wa itratohoma khairul itar. Allaho Akbar Allaho Akbar 
La ilaha illalah, la ilaha illalah.

Allah is the greatest (4-times) 
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah (twice) 
I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger (twice) 
I bear witness that Ali is the saint of Allah (twice) 
Hasten towards prayers (twice). 
hasten. towards propriety (twice) 
Hasten towards the best of deeds (twice) 
Muhammad and Ali are the best of mankind and their progeny is the best amongst all progenies (twice) 
Allah is the greatest (twice). 
There is no God but Allah (twice).

[ Between AZAN (first call) and Iqamat (second call) say ]

- Allahumma alaiha ahya wa alaiha amooto wa alaiha ubaso insha Allaho taala. Allahumma innee asalokal afwa wal afiyata fid deene wad dunya wal aakherate innnaka ala kulle shaieen qadeer.

- O Allah I shall live for this prayer and die for it and with Thy blessings shall be raised
on it on the Day. of judgment. 0 Allah I seek forgiveness from Thee and I beg Thee to forgive me not only in this world but also in the hereafter; and give me health. Indeed Thou hast control over everything.


Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. 
Ash hado an la ilaha illalah, Ash hado an la ilaha illalah. 
Ash hado anna Muhammadan resoolullah, Ash hado anna Muhammadan. rasoolullah. 
Hayya alas salaht, hayya alas salaht. 
Hayya alal falah, hayya alal falah. 
Haya ala khairil amal, hayya ala khairil amal. 
Qad qa matis salat, qad qa matis salat. 
Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. 
La ilaha illallah.

- Lines 1 to 7 as in AZAAN. Then Lo the prayers have been established (twice) Allah is greatest (twice). There is no God but Allah (once)

[ Before Niyyat for Fardh ] 

Bismilla hir rahmaanir raheem

Alhumma rabbat dawatitammah tammate wassalawaletil kayamate aate mohammadan....... 


The text here describes the Dawoodi Bohra Namaz and its translation in English. It is good for people who have not learned Arabic.

Source : FB message on Dawoodi Bohra group from  Moiz Shaikh Aliasger Sultan

Wuzu translation


[ Zohor and Asar ]

- Allaa hummaa innee navayto tahooree haaza le salaatiz zohre val asre wa le kulle salaatin Usalleehaa.

- O Allah I intend to clean myself for the noon or afternoon prayers and any other prayers which I might offer.

[ Ishaa il Aakerate ]

- Allaa hummaa innee navayto tahooree haaza le salaatil Maghribe wal Ishaa-il-aakherate va le kulle salaatin usalleehaa.

- O Allah. I intend to clean myself for the evening or night prayers and any other prayers which I might offer.

[ Fajar ] 

- Allaa hummaa innee navayto tahooree haaza le salaatis sunnate Val Fajre wa le kulle salaatin usalleehaa.

- O Allah I intend to clean myself for the morning prayers and any other prayers which I might offer.

[ Washing Both Hands ]

- Ashhado an la ilaha illallaho wahdahoo la sharika lahoo wa ashhado anna Muhumaedan abduhoo wa Rasooluhoo wa ashhado anna Moulana Aliyan wasiyyuhoo wa waziruhoo.

- I declare that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's servant and an apostle and that Ali is Muhammad's Vasi and Vazir.

[ Gargling 3 times ]

- Allahumaas qinee min kaase Mohammedin nabiyyek.

- O Allah make me fortunate enough to be able to drink: in the same cup as that of Thy Prophet Muhammad.

[ Cleansing the nostrils 3 tines ]

- Wa Shamminnee raaehata jannateka fi jannatek.

- And let me smell the sweet smell of paradise.

[ Washing the face 3 times ] 

- Allahuoma bayyiz wajee be noore maarefateka yawmaTubayyezo wujoohal mumeneena wa tusawwedo wujuoohal mushrekeen wa nawwirho be nooril eemaan.

- O Allah brighten my face with the light of Thy recognition on the day when the faces of believers will shine while those of unbelievers shall be blackened. Oh Allah brighten my face with the light of faith.

[ Washing the right arm 3-times ]

- Allahumma aatenae kitabee be yameenee wa la tootehnee be yasaaree.

- O Allah give me my account in my right hand, not in my left hand.


[ Washing the left arm 3 times ]

- Allahumma laa tootenee kitaabee be shimaalee va la min warae zahree.

- 0 Allah do not give me the account of my deeds from the left nor from behind.

[ Masah over the middle line of the head ]

- Allahumma ghasshenee be rahmateka min rahmatek.

- 0 Allah keep me under your kind protection.

[ Cleansing the ears ]

- Va asmeanee munaadiya jannateka fi jannatek.

- And let me hear nothing but the Bounds of paradise.

[ Masah over the neck ]

- Allahumma aateq raqabatee minan naar wahfaznee minas Salaasile val aghlaal yaa azizo yaa Jabbaar.

- O Allah save my neck from the burning hell and protect me from chains and bondage.

[ Masah over the feet (first right then left) ]

- Allahunra sabbit qadamayyaa ala siratekal mustaqeem yawmaa tusabbeta aqdaamal mumeneen wa tuzillo aqdaama aadaaekal mujremeen.

- O Allah keep my feet steady-on the right path to the day of judgement when the feet of believers shall be steady Thy enemies, the sinners, shall falter.

[ At the end of Vuzoo say ]

- Subhanaka Allahumma wa be hamdeka la ilaha ilia anta astaghferoka yaa rabbe va atoobo ilaika. Allahumma ajalnee minat tawwaabeena wajalnee minal mutatahhereen waghfirlee warhamnee yaa arhamar raahemeen. Allahumma kamaa tahhartanee bil maae fa tahhernee minaz zunoob.

- O Allah Thou art Omnipotent and all praises are due to Thee. There is no God but Allah. I seek forgiveness for my sins by turning towards Thee. 0 Allah include me amongst those who are pure and virtuous and 0 Allah do forgive me since Thou art the greatest forgiver. 0 Allah just as with water Thou hast cleaned my body of dirt sO With my prayer clean my soul of all kinds of evil.

The text here describes the Dawoodi Bohra Namaz and its translation in English. It is good for people who have not learned Arabic.

Source : FB message on Dawoodi Bohra group from  Moiz Shaikh Aliasger Sultan